Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pool Party with a DOUBLE rainbow!

Yesterday we went to a pool party! I didn't get too many good shots as most of the boys were running too fast or jumping off the diving board too high (I cut off a lot of heads in my pictures). But here's a few :)

The pool and yard were absolutely beautiful...LOVED this poolside planter!

Marisa and Avery :)

Colby with a torpedo (for diving games) in one hand and a squirt gun in the other.

My little buddy Liam after a meal of carrots.
Ethan strikes such a good diving pose!

Okay...check out these awesome rainbow shots. In the first one, you can actually see a DOUBLE rainbow...look closely in the upper right corner, above the full rainbow. It didn't last long, but it was beautiful. Plus, it was the first time I'd ever seen a double one! I made a wish...let's hope it comes true :)

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