Wednesday, August 26, 2009

End of Summer

WHERE has the summer gone?!?

Part of me is counting down the hours - and minutes - until school starts on September 8th.

The other part of me is sad that summer is coming to an end. No more lazy days at the beach. No more jammies-till-lunch days.

Soon, there will be football AND soccer practice. Saturday games. Homework. School lunches. Alarm clocks.

Until then, I am going to celebrate our final summer days!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pool Party with a DOUBLE rainbow!

Yesterday we went to a pool party! I didn't get too many good shots as most of the boys were running too fast or jumping off the diving board too high (I cut off a lot of heads in my pictures). But here's a few :)

The pool and yard were absolutely beautiful...LOVED this poolside planter!

Marisa and Avery :)

Colby with a torpedo (for diving games) in one hand and a squirt gun in the other.

My little buddy Liam after a meal of carrots.
Ethan strikes such a good diving pose!

Okay...check out these awesome rainbow shots. In the first one, you can actually see a DOUBLE rainbow...look closely in the upper right corner, above the full rainbow. It didn't last long, but it was beautiful. Plus, it was the first time I'd ever seen a double one! I made a wish...let's hope it comes true :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pictures from Easter

Here's the 'problem'...I take so many pictures that it's sometimes overwhelming to pick out my favorites and post them! I was looking for something else tonight when I came across these pictures from Easter. We have a tradition of going to my in-laws house for an Easter Egg Hunt and Easter dinner. They've got an amazing backyard - lots of good hiding places! The kids have a fabulous time hunting eggs, climbing trees, jumping off benches, fishing and getting chased by Gigi (Jason's mom...her name is Colleen but the grandkids call her Gigi). As for the's a great time to catch up!

The last picture is of all the cousins...these Kodak moments don't happen too often so, for that reason, it is one of my favorite photos. Every Easter, I try to take the same picture, on the same swing, so that you can see how much they've grown.

And, if you've ever tried to get a GOOD picture of 7 kids, then you know why I had to bribe them with money :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sports, sports and more sports

I absolutely love that both kids are in sports, but I am ready for a break! Marisa just finished her soccer season (go Monkeys!), and Colby only has a few weeks left of baseball. Four practices during the week and 2 games every Saturday (throw in a few week night baseball games) were killin' me!
As I type this, I'm reminded that it's already time to sign up for Fall sports. Marisa wants to play soccer again, and Colby is begging me to sign him up for football. Exactly how much padding can I put on him?!?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

So I was going through files on my computer, trying to find the earliest picture I have of me and Jason. Believe it or not, it's this one...taken in December 2001 at my brother's wedding.

We got our first digital camera at the end of 2000, but all our pictures consist of Colby with EITHER me or Jason, but not both.

I really need to scan an older one. We've been together since Jason was 18 and I was 20. (Yes, I'm older!) YIKES!!! We dated for a loooong time and finally got married in 1997. And, what an incredibly fun wedding it was... :)

Happy 12 years, baby...I love you :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Good times!

These pictures are from yesterday...the Friday that officially started summer :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Greetings from the Sunshine State

Visited the Kennedy Space Center yesterday. Got to meet a real live astronaut...Jon McBride. Saw the shuttle on the launch pad (it's scheduled to go to the space station in May). Saw lots of cool rockets and movies. More pictures later :)

On Easter Sunday, Colby prayed that he would catch a fish. This proves that God answers prayers!! He was SO very excited and wanted to post this on the blog so his uncle could see the size of the fish!

Check out the size of the ears on this chocolate bunny!

See those plants in the background? They're aloe plants. I've never seen them flower like that...pretty, eh? This is in my grandparent's backyard.

My grandparents, my aunt, mom and the kids on Easter afternoon. Do you see Marisa in a DRESS? She wanted to wear the leggings with it, but's a DRESS!! She even had sequins on her flops and painted nails! And, she stayed in her dress all day long. What has the world come to?!?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yesterday was a very bad day...

7:00 - wake up with GOOD intentions to get LOTS done today.
8:15 - when leaving my neighborhood, my car starts acting funny. I was just hitting empty so I stopped to get gas on the way to work. Have a little trouble starting the car after filling up, but figure it's just a fluke. Make the decision to drive to the store as I'd rather be stuck there than at home :)
8:30 - 10:15 - work and chatted with my coworkers.
10:15 - rush out the door to get to my dentist appointment in time. Car won't start. Thankfully, Susan let me borrow hers.
10:20 - I realize that Susan's inspection sticker says FEBRUARY. I have a mild heart attack since I am a law abiding citizen AND I'm driving right past the police station and the courthouse. Call Susan and yell at her :)
10:30 - Made it to the dentist without getting pulled over, even though I passed 2 men in blue. While I'm in the dentist office, the TV is broadcasting the weather and tornado warnings all over our area. It's nasty outside with heavy downpours and thunder. Nothing like the constant broadcast of tornado warnings to calm your stress from car troubles and illegal driving.
10:40 - I'm told I was scheduled for the wrong dentist. Rescheduled my appointment for later in the month.
10:45 - Pulled up to the service station asking if they could please inspect Susan's car. Told it would be a 90 minute wait. Can't do it as I have to get Marisa off the bus. I'm disgusted by the guy chewing sunflower seeds and spitting the shells on the floor. Pig.
10:50 - Enter my neighborhood where there is a cop RIGHT THERE doing radar. Thankfully he wasn't looking at me!
10:55 - Almost to my house. One of my neighbors, who is probably 106, decides he's going to pull out of his driveway without looking and comes INCHES away from slamming right into the side of Susan's car. Second mild heart attack.
10:56 - Pull in my driveway almost shaking from the thought of replacing Susan's brand new car. Called Jason so he could come rescue me. It would have been easier for Jason just to meet me at the store, but I don't have a car seat for Marisa and I can't take the chance of getting pulled over for an expired sticker AND no car seat. Ugh.
10:56 - 12:30 - Work on some reorders for the store - shopping is always a calming experience! Welcome Marisa and Jason home. Eat lunch. Listen to Jason answer questions for a top secret security clearance interview for a friend. Watch the rain come down like CRAZY outside.
12:30 - Head back to the store to return Susan's car. I made Jason drive in front of me so that I might have a chance of the police not seeing her expired inspection sticker. I prayed that it would rain really hard too so that no cop in his right mind would want to get out of his car :) Drop Susan's car off at an inspection site so she would be legal again.
1:00 - 3:00 - Safely take cover in the store while it pours outside. Poor Jason tries to figure out what is going on with my car and gets SOAKED.
3:00 -4:20 - drive back home in Jason's car to get Colby off the bus. Do homework, answer a few emails. Realize that I have not done a single item on my to do list.
4:20 - drive back to the store (for the 3rd time today - each time in a different car!) and hope that Jason has made some progress.
4:45 - 6:30 - Entertain the kids while Jason consults with my brother on the phone for a last ditch effort to fix my car.
6:30 - After a few trips to the car parts store, they come to the conclusion that it would be best serviced by a professional.
6:45 - Move ALL my scrapbooking stuff (I just went to a crop on Sunday) out of the back of my car into Jason's trunk. Threaten Jason with his life not to get grease on my supplies.
6:50 - Tow truck driver comes. I hand over my keys and $50 for a 2 mile tow.
7:00 - Pile in Jason's car and go to Pungo Pizza. I really want garlic knots, but chose a salad instead.
8:00 - Go to the service center and write a ticket for my poor little car. Wonder how many odd descriptions they must get when people try to describe what's wrong with their cars.
8:15 - Reach in my pocket when Colby asks me for the house keys only to find that they are NOT there. Check my purse, not there. Check my camera bag, not there. SERIOUSLY?!?!
8:30 - 9:00 - Get the kids in bed, distracted by the thought of losing my keys. Called Jody, asked her if she saw my keys when she closed the store. Called Susan, asked her to run up to the store (she lives right there) and double check the counters. Both report that there are no keys there. Meanwhile, I'm checking through all my scrapbook stuff to make sure I didn't drop them in a bag. Search Jason's trunk. Search his car, the seats, the floors. Big fat nothing.
9:00 - Jason volunteers to go out and retrace my steps in hopes of finding them. Both my house key and the store keys are on the ring. Poor Jason still smells like gasoline.
9:05 - Double check all my scrapbooking totes. Empty my purse for the third time. Go through my camera bag AGAIN. Nothing.
9:05 - 10:40 - Jason goes BACK to the store, searches the parking lot, the counters, the sidewalk. Nothing. Goes to Pungo Pizza, searches the parking lot. Goes BACK up to the store to search the office. Nothing. Goes to the service station to search my car. Thankfully he had the foresight to bring the spare set of keys. Nothing.
10:40 - Jason arrives back home, still in the damp and smelly clothes that he was wearing all afternoon. Decides he's going to throw away the trash bag in his car. Shakes it just in case. Hears the sweet sound of keys. Looks. Bingo. In the freakin' trash bag!!! Now, to explain myself. The trash bag handles go around the gear shift and the bag hangs on the passenger side. The keys must have been in my hand when I got in the car and put my purse and camera bag on the floor. I guess the keys came out of my hand and instead of going on the floor with my purse, they fell in the bag. Good grief.
11:00 - Get in bed b/c I just want this day to end. I fell asleep in about 26 seconds.
So, in closing (because this certainly hasn't been long enough!):
- my car is at the station. Guessing it's a feul pump issue. Mechanic says he can't get to it for a couple of days at best.
- my keys are in my purse. I will be guarding them with my life.
- I may need a second job to pay for repairs.
- I am home with no car. I can't even tell you the last time I was alone in my house. It's actually quite peaceful!
- my husband is the best. He took off work, tried his best to fix my car, got soaked, made several trips to the car parts store, tried to let Marisa help him (she got bored), drove all around creation looking for my keys, FOUND my keys, stunk like a gas tank, was filthy dirty and never once complained. I LOVE YOU HONEY!!! Thank you for all that you did :)
Now, back to that to-do list. I've got friends coming to Virginia Beach for a visit today...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Stick 'em up!

On Friday, Colby had to give an oral presentation at school. Their assignment was to choose a famous American...check out a bibliography from the library...prepare a presentation...dress up...then present it to their classmates and parents as if THEY were that person.

First of all, Colby HATES to dress up. HATES that people will look at him. It totally embarrasses him. So, he had to choose someone who required the least amount of "dress up".

He chose Jesse James, the baddest outlaw of them all. He gave a GREAT presentation and was pretty cute in his dishevelled costume. (Note his misbuttoned shirt and pockets hanging out!)

There were other famous Americans there too...including Tony Hawk, Robert E. Lee, George Washington, Pocahantas, Helen Keller, Betsy Ross, and Hanna Montana!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Maddy!

Tis the season of birthday parties! Marisa went to her first Young Chefs Academy party yesterday and made her very own heart shaped pizza...from SCRATCH. Afterwards, all the kids were given goodie bags with some cooking utensils in them, an apron with their name on it, and a chef's hat. Marisa carried that bag and wore the apron and hat ALL day long! Even when we went to Primos...for more pizza. One of the guys asked her if she was applying for a job...

This morning, she got her "uniform" on AGAIN to make pancakes!

Andrea and Maddy...thanks for a FABULOUS birthday party :)

Happy Birthday Marisa!

This blog seems to be all about Marisa lately! First, Colby is not so keen on letting me take many pictures of him lately, and second, Marisa just has lots going on in her little life!

We had her birthday party at My Gym and what a fun party it was! As you know, she is NOT in to ANYthing girl related. So...for her cake, she chose (after much deliberation) a football theme. She even wore her new Green Bay shirt (which says Goodwin and number 6 on the back!).

Her presents were absolutely PERFECT - nothing girly, nothing pink.

Thanks to all our friends and family for a great 6th birthday!

ANOTHER tooth!

May 20th...Marisa lost her 5th tooth (top, front). It's been a VERY busy month for the tooth fairy! And...there's still 3 more loose ones wiggling aroung in that mouth of hers :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

As usual, the leprechauns struck our house on St. Patrick's Day! While we were all sound asleep last night, they caused all kinds of mischief. The kids' rooms were strewn with toilet paper, their clothes were thrown ALL over the floor, their books were spread out everywhere, drawers were taken out of the dressers, shoes were put where the drawers should have been, Marisa's comforter was stuffed in her desk and Colby's Bakugans were out of the case along with ALL his cards.

PLUS, the leprechauns put the kitchen chairs on TOP of the table and wrapped them in toilet paper. (Boy, they are STRONG little things!) The kids' composition notebooks and homework were wrapped in toilet paper as were the ceiling fans. MISCHIEVOUS little suckers!

The best part? They left gold coins all over the kids' rooms. REAL $1 coins! May the luck of the Irish be with you!