Here's the 'problem'...I take so many pictures that it's sometimes overwhelming to pick out my favorites and post them! I was looking for something else tonight when I came across these pictures from Easter. We have a tradition of going to my in-laws house for an Easter Egg Hunt and Easter dinner. They've got an amazing backyard - lots of good hiding places! The kids have a fabulous time hunting eggs, climbing trees, jumping off benches, fishing and getting chased by Gigi (Jason's mom...her name is Colleen but the grandkids call her Gigi). As for the adults...it's a great time to catch up!
The last picture is of all the cousins...these Kodak moments don't happen too often so, for that reason, it is one of my favorite photos. Every Easter, I try to take the same picture, on the same swing, so that you can see how much they've grown.
And, if you've ever tried to get a GOOD picture of 7 kids, then you know why I had to bribe them with money :)