As you can see from the pictures, Marisa crashed big time on her bike today. We were at the bus stop...she was riding around, Colby was climbing a tree and I was talking. I heard her crying in time to turn around and see Emma's dad picking her up off the ground. He told me that she took a turn too sharp and landed on her face. She was bleeding pretty good, but I just thought it was a split lip. I looked at her bottom teeth and could see the blood pooling up around them. Since they were already loose, I then assumed the bleeding was coming from them. Everyone was really nice - running to get ice packs and offering to drive us home. I declined, thinking it was nothing.
Half way back to our house, I stopped to assess the situation. I lifted up her upper lip and secretly wanted to freak out. Her upper gums were almost completely black, bloodly and, dare I say, a bit chunky. There were black specs in there (from the road??) and they were really swollen. I sped up the pace, cleaned her up when we got home and immediately called our dentist. They basically told me to clean her up, have her swish water around her mouth, give her Motrin and just watch her 3 top teeth. Marisa was really great about having ice on her lip for over an hour, which really helped with the swelling.
UPDATE: Marisa did great tonight. She ate chicken lo mein for dinner and complained of pain only a few times. Let me tell you that it did not stop her from eating 3 helpings AND a fortune cookie!! I brushed her teeth before bed and examined them a little more thoroughly. She does have a chipped tooth (which you can see in the pictures) and her front teeth are both loose and not perfectly aligned with each other anymore. The dentist said that even if they are loose, they may tighten up again, so I guess only time will tell. Her gums look so much better now than on that way home from the bus stop. We'll see how they look in the morning. All I have to say is thank God that these are still her baby teeth!
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