Monday, March 30, 2009

Stick 'em up!

On Friday, Colby had to give an oral presentation at school. Their assignment was to choose a famous American...check out a bibliography from the library...prepare a presentation...dress up...then present it to their classmates and parents as if THEY were that person.

First of all, Colby HATES to dress up. HATES that people will look at him. It totally embarrasses him. So, he had to choose someone who required the least amount of "dress up".

He chose Jesse James, the baddest outlaw of them all. He gave a GREAT presentation and was pretty cute in his dishevelled costume. (Note his misbuttoned shirt and pockets hanging out!)

There were other famous Americans there too...including Tony Hawk, Robert E. Lee, George Washington, Pocahantas, Helen Keller, Betsy Ross, and Hanna Montana!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Maddy!

Tis the season of birthday parties! Marisa went to her first Young Chefs Academy party yesterday and made her very own heart shaped pizza...from SCRATCH. Afterwards, all the kids were given goodie bags with some cooking utensils in them, an apron with their name on it, and a chef's hat. Marisa carried that bag and wore the apron and hat ALL day long! Even when we went to Primos...for more pizza. One of the guys asked her if she was applying for a job...

This morning, she got her "uniform" on AGAIN to make pancakes!

Andrea and Maddy...thanks for a FABULOUS birthday party :)

Happy Birthday Marisa!

This blog seems to be all about Marisa lately! First, Colby is not so keen on letting me take many pictures of him lately, and second, Marisa just has lots going on in her little life!

We had her birthday party at My Gym and what a fun party it was! As you know, she is NOT in to ANYthing girl related. So...for her cake, she chose (after much deliberation) a football theme. She even wore her new Green Bay shirt (which says Goodwin and number 6 on the back!).

Her presents were absolutely PERFECT - nothing girly, nothing pink.

Thanks to all our friends and family for a great 6th birthday!

ANOTHER tooth!

May 20th...Marisa lost her 5th tooth (top, front). It's been a VERY busy month for the tooth fairy! And...there's still 3 more loose ones wiggling aroung in that mouth of hers :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

As usual, the leprechauns struck our house on St. Patrick's Day! While we were all sound asleep last night, they caused all kinds of mischief. The kids' rooms were strewn with toilet paper, their clothes were thrown ALL over the floor, their books were spread out everywhere, drawers were taken out of the dressers, shoes were put where the drawers should have been, Marisa's comforter was stuffed in her desk and Colby's Bakugans were out of the case along with ALL his cards.

PLUS, the leprechauns put the kitchen chairs on TOP of the table and wrapped them in toilet paper. (Boy, they are STRONG little things!) The kids' composition notebooks and homework were wrapped in toilet paper as were the ceiling fans. MISCHIEVOUS little suckers!

The best part? They left gold coins all over the kids' rooms. REAL $1 coins! May the luck of the Irish be with you!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tooth #4

The tooth fairy will strike again at our house tonight! Soon, she will need a loan with all these loose teeth :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Lost Tooth #3

It's been hanging on for days! We've tried to pull it a few times, but it wasn't quite ready to come out.

This morning, Marisa was handing me a tissue before my eyes were even open. I woke up, tried to focus my eyes, gave it a pull and out it popped. Needless to say, she's VERY proud :) It's her 3rd lost tooth, and she's VERY excited for the tooth fairy to visit tonight. It's always nice when the tooth fairy has a whole day to prepare!

Did I mention that she has 5 (yes FIVE!) other loose teeth?!?!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Harlem Globetrotters

Today we had a little fun with the Harlem Globetrotters!

12:30 - Pre-game show and pictures with a few of the players
2:00 - Colby's den was chosen to stand on the court during the National Anthem! How cool is that?!?
2:15 - Game on! Lots of shananigans and LOTS of laughing :)

After the game, the kids were able to get their basketballs signed by some of the players.

It was FABULOUS! So funny, so entertaining and such a great family event.